- Utility & Tracking Dogs
- oekv
Leistungsprüfung ÖBK Landesgruppe Salzburg
- 14.08.2021
- Mödlham, 5201 Seekirchen am Wallersee
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- Timezone: Europe/Berlin
- Registration opening: 06.08.2021 00:00:00
- Closing date: 13.08.2021 23:59:59
- Discipline: FCI-IGP, Tracking test, FCI-IBgH, Companion (BH/VT)
- Organizing club: ÖBK - Landesgruppe Salzburg
- Address: Mödlham, 5201 Seekirchen am Wallersee
- Breeds: All breeds
Information entry fee
not depositedEntry fee

Contact person
Johannes Burgstaller

Trial chairman
Jacqueline Gucek
No data available yet
Leistungsprüfung ÖBK Landesgruppe Salzburg 14.08.2021
Mödlham, 5201 Seekirchen am Wallersee

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